Amendo SCAM reviews and withdrawals

Amendo МОШЕННИК отзывы и вывод денег

Brokerage companies that are now actively operating and promoting their services on the market can be called lazy - the most neutral thing you can do, because, as will be proved by an unlimited number of reviews on, declaring their alleged professionalism, experience and quality, they cannot even it is trite to develop a fully-fledged web resource, to say nothing of providing really high-quality and efficient trading services. We will talk about a site that is directly related to this type of company, namely, about the activities of a brokerage project called Amendo, which is trying to sell its services to naive clients with a mountain of beautiful and tempting promises, while at the same time considering all possible options for an imperceptible withdrawal of funds from accounts their gullible users.      Amendo contacts

Interestingly, this project did not provide any specific option by which customers could directly contact the company's staff. All that is available is a cheap feedback form consisting of a few points, but even so, by filling it out, the chance that you will actually be contacted is minimal.

Website review amendo.tradeAs we mentioned earlier, the presented platform does not belong to those sites that actually confirm their professionalism and quality, because even the most basic part of the activities of the brokerage site, this company did not perform, namely, it did not create a full-fledged, informative website, thanks to which traders could would get acquainted with all the intricacies of Amendo, as well as consider all the pros and cons of cooperation with this office. All that is currently available to customers is a one-page resource, with translation into English and Russian, as well as two active buttons to start the registration procedure or enter the account. Nothing more can be expected from this site.   Broker conditions Amendo

Learn some trading information helped Amendo reviews, in which traders quite objectively evaluate and mention the time of cooperation with Amendo. Thanks to these responses, it is possible to compile the following list of supposedly available opportunities on the broker’s site, which he himself promises to provide initially:

  • multifunctional trading platform with an abundance of convenient and effective trading tools;
  • fully automated trading process, which allows to shorten time costs by almost half;
  • round-the-clock support by experienced, as well as professional employees of the brokerage project;
  • a number of trading accounts that are focused on any client level of skills and knowledge in the field of trading;
  • the availability of basic and rather superficial training, which consists of a number of electronic textbooks, as well as consultations with qualified professionals in the field;
  • access to the most popular and requested assets, for example: stocks, indices, cryptocurrencies, commodities, currency pairs, and precious metals;
  • stable analytics of the presented markets;
  • an always open opportunity in the course of their activities to use the economic calendar, as well as a profitability calculator that will allow you to calculate further profit;
  • for traders, there are services of both a personal account manager and an analyst;
  • there is a good opportunity for clients to develop their own trading strategy based on those previously used by more experienced traders;
  • a wide range of various bonuses and promotions;
  • multi-level affiliate program with all available marketing tools.   

 Exposing Amendo

Despite the company's rather diligent attempts to present itself in the best light to customers, its actions only once again prove that Amendo scammer and scammerwho thinks solely about his own pocket and options for filling it. Firstly, in order to sow another series of doubts regarding the actual success and transparency of Amendo, it is enough to mention the fact that it did not provide any of the necessary and mandatory documents confirming the legality of this site, as well as passing all the necessary checks for fraud by the relevant regulators. Secondly, it would not be superfluous to mention the real age of this project, because, according to all the same references to ex-clients, the company repeatedly indicates that it has been working diligently and efficiently on the market for more than 4 years, serving more and more clients every year. One could somehow believe in this legend, if not for one thing, namely the domain name, which indicates the next date, as the official start of the company's activities, namely 02/05/2022. The presented position only once again proves the falsity and inexperience of Amendo.       

How to withdraw money from Amendo

Another, quite weighty reason to think about the real need for cooperation in this project is that Amendo does not withdraw money, which means, in other words, does not fulfill its key function as a brokerage service, that is, it does not represent any actual interest for its users.                                                  

ResultsSummarizing everything that we have previously mentioned, and also adding to all this also the negligence, rudeness and incompetence of the Amendo staff, which traders unanimously declare, we strongly do not recommend interacting with this project in any way, as well as trusting it with your funds, even under a beautiful and promising, as it seems at first glance, pretext, because otherwise you risk being left with nothing, and in addition to all this, earn a deplorable experience in cooperation with this fraudster and swindler.

Possibility withdraw money с «Amendo» not confirmed.


Global Capital Alliance FRAUD reviews and withdrawal of money

The company, whose activities will be the subject of our today's article, positions its platform as one of the most successful and efficient trading platforms in recent times, which, not in words, but in deeds, will be able to bring the necessary and satisfying results for users. Among other things, the company guarantees a number of other rather promising and eye-catching provisions, accompanied by systematic promises regarding stable and fast profit. Usually, the more a company says positive things about itself without presenting any reason, the less there is really something worthwhile in it, which has been shown and proven by practice in this kind of reviews on the website. This also directly applies to the hero of our today's article, who, despite all the banality of his actions, continues to rank himself among the most experienced and influential projects, and also throw all his strength into attracting as much attention as possible from naive and gullible clients who and are, for the most part, the audience of such swindlers.     Global Capital Alliance Contacts

Email address Email address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address, as well as the feedback form - this is all that the broker has provided to its users as possible options to establish contact with the staff, nothing more specific is mentioned on its resource.

Website overview globalcapitalalliance.comIt is noticeable that this project is trying in every possible way to prove its professionalism, but at the same time it is absolutely obvious that there is no such characteristic in its list of properties, rather, it is complete incompetence and a lack of understanding of how a resource of a really noteworthy project should look like . The main disadvantages of this site are its lack of multitasking, the lack of any specifics, the minimum amount of useful data, as well as poor quality, clumsy translation, which does not allow you to fully get acquainted with all the intricacies of this site.    Global Capital Alliance Broker Terms

  • a fairly wide range of trading instruments available to users, ranging from stocks to cryptocurrencies and currency pairs;
  • a multifunctional trading platform, which can be installed on any device that has a stable connection to the world wide web;
  • the presence of sufficiently universal trading accounts that will provide a convenient and comfortable trading environment for both beginners and already professionals;
  • stable support for traders, which is provided by qualified and experienced employees of the company;
  • the use of the latest advanced technologies that will provide complete control and a minimum level of risk for clients and their funds;
  • quite loyal deposits;
  • availability of bonus systems;
  • affiliate program with available tools for conducting an extensive advertising campaign;
  • fairly fast registration procedure;
  • fully automated trading process;
  • open opportunities for fractional negotiations;
  • an extensive number of trading partners that improve the overall level of trading on the site;
  • fast withdrawal of funds, which is achieved after passing through several stages;
  • availability of a demo account for users who are not yet confident in themselves;
  • qualified staff of the company.    

 Exposure of Global Capital Alliance

In order to discover the truth regarding the real intentions of the presented platform, it is enough to pay attention to the following provisions: Firstly, this is the reputation of this project, and more specifically, then Global Capital Alliance reviews, which allow you to determine the weaknesses of the presented site, which will negatively affect the entire trading process in the future. Among them, one can distinguish: the negligence and rudeness of the company's personnel, its incompetence, the lack of really effective and working trading methods, as well as systematic technical failures that make it impossible to concentrate on the work process. Secondly, it is also worth mentioning the legal documents left by the office on its website. This project, as evidence of its reliability, as well as transparency, has posted some information that it naively calls documentation, but in reality these are just unsuccessful extracts from the privacy policy and the client agreement, which I can in no way confirm that this project does not is a fraudster and has passed all the necessary stages of verification for this.        

How to withdraw money from Global Capital Alliance

Another quite revealing provision is the fact that the office Global Capital Alliance does not withdraw money, which confirms both its intentions and goals, dedicated solely to filling its own already full pockets with the hard-earned funds of its users.                                                  

ResultsIt is not difficult to add one to one, as well as analyze all the provisions we have previously mentioned in order to understand what Global Capital Alliance is a scammer and a brazen scammer, whose activities are meaningless for traders trying to improve their financial situation, because as a result all they get is losses and holes in their pockets, from which, while they were busy "trading", their funds flowed straight into the hands of our hero today's review, which only once again proves the lack of prospects and the absence of any profitability of this project.

Possibility withdraw money с «GlobalCapitalAlliance» not confirmed. FRAUD reviews and withdrawals

Cryptocurrency is a fairly fast and reliable way to significantly improve your financial situation in the shortest possible time. This can be confirmed by articles on the website, but besides this, they are also proof of the fact that not all sites that operate in this area are worthy of attention and cooperation, since there is nothing else but their wallet they do not think that leads their users to extremely negative financial consequences. In today's review, we will look at just a vivid example of such sites, namely, we will talk about an office called, which began its activities not so long ago, but even such a short period was enough for it to completely sink in the eyes of customers and create a rather negative and unstable ground for further action.      Company contacts

Support Email: Email address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address. This concludes all possible and available options to contact the submitted project. The company did not deign to provide even a banal feedback form, let alone some more specific and effective methods.

Site review 50x.comDescribing the presented resource by, it is quite easy to conclude that even indirectly, not a single professional designer or other specialist has worked on this resource, since neither beautiful design nor, moreover, informative content of the website it is seen. The only advantage of this under-service is a rather extensive selection of languages into which the text submitted by the company can be translated, but they in no way allow a more detailed and specific consideration of both the activities of in principle and cooperation with it due to the lack of any or clear grounds.   Broker conditions

  • digging guarantees users complete anonymity;
  • automation of the trading process allows you to quickly update access to your trading account;
  • fast and systematic user support by sufficiently competent and qualified employees of the company;
  • the availability of emergency withdrawal technology, if suddenly something went wrong in the process of completing the withdrawal procedure;
  • the ability to take a loan with a leverage of up to 3x;
  • two-factor authentication, which will protect customer accounts from hacks and hacker attacks;
  • open possibility to use EWA wallets;
  • the presence of a trusted management function that will allow inexperienced traders to get results no worse than those of professional users;
  • payment of commissions is executed at a discount in 50%;
  • a fairly professional trading terminal that supports many functions, and also allows you to perform several tasks at the same time;
  • an extensive system of bonuses and promotional offers;
  • accessible analytics with all the necessary tools;
  • the presence of an integrated trader's journal;
  • affiliate program;
  • the ability to exchange any coin for any other.



This site is trying in every possible way to deceive its users, guaranteeing and promising just a huge number of supposedly promising conditions, but in reality, it only repels them with its real actions that manifest themselves in the process of cooperation with the office. Their nature can reveal the following provisions, namely: Firstly, it is the image of the company, or rather reviews about the office, in which traders have repeatedly mentioned the obvious and rather significant shortcomings of this project, for example, the incompetence of the personnel of this service, systematic technical malfunctions that cannot but affect further trading results, as well as a fairly large number of tools that do not actually work; secondly, this office does not have any documentary, legal evidence for its words regarding the reliability and transparency of its site, because has not provided a single certificate or license, which makes one doubt the legality of its actions, as well as the full transparency of the company and her actions.        

How to withdraw money from

As one of the proofs that the company scam and scam, we can use the fact that does not withdraw money, which was confirmed by both ex-users in their responses and their trading results. This fact is explained quite simply, the whole point is that the presented project does not set itself the goal of helping traders achieve satisfactory trading results, as well as making a profit, all that is in its plans is to fill their own pockets, through investments of naive and trusting clients.                                                  

ResultsDrawing a line under all the previously mentioned provisions and facts, we hope the real intentions of this project have become clear. We advise you not even indirectly to be in contact with the presented project, because otherwise, you will expect at least significant losses, as well as financial holes, which will be very difficult to close.

Possibility withdraw money с «50x com» not confirmed.